Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where Is My Mouse?


I'm home. This has been in and of itself an experience that is unique, yet similar to others who experience the return home after a long, life changing chapter in the book of life.
I find that exercise has become an afterthought. This is bad. Going from exercising five days a week to almost nothing played with my body alot. I found that I had less energy and I didn't feel as good. I also found that my body is taking full advantage of the abundant sleep that I am afforded. I believe it was a good thing at first. A chance for my body to heal itself. But as time wears on and I am still sleeping through my alarm and then some for several hours, I think that I need some change.
I have also found that I am adjusting to living in a predominantly Mormon society again. I love being back but when someone is exposed to the worldly side of things for too long it begins to rub off.
I hope to get into a more constant swing. I like to have a constant in life.
More to follow soon. I won't wait as long as last time. I promise.

P.S. I found my mouse.

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